Monday, August 22, 2011


So, my status as an "Independent Contractor" working for a market research company ended on the 8th, so I'm frantically looking for a new job before we get in a financial situation we can't handle.

In the mean time, I'm hoping something will come of my crafting. My Stampin' Up! Business is going nowhere, but I don't have a very large network of craft-friends. I'm working on that, but I don't want to force Stampin' Up on anyone. I guess I'm not completely cut out for direct sales... I won't give up, though!!

I'm also working on making some stationery sets and other craft items that I can sell. Hubby's job just barely pays the bills (when he works an extra 15 hours of over time each week...), so anything I can contribute is helpful.

Pictures of the things I've created thus far will be posted this week. I just finished one full stationery set, and will be starting on three others tomorrow. Since I've already applied to over 175 jobs in the last two weeks, I think I can take a full day break from the job hunt and craft! I'm also working on jewelry, too, again, hoping to bring some money in. I'm pretty proud of the few things I've created so far, and will be posting those pictures, too!

Hope everyone's doing well!!

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